My goal is to make Reiki courses available to everyone.
Reiki changed my life.
I was a wreck, tormented by past abuse, it seemed there was no way out from under this shroud pain and self-animosity that was suffocating me.
I went to therapy, which did help for a while, but it did not heal me. I turned to doctors who threw prescriptions at me like it was a sport, the medications just made everything worse.
After two years on this path towards healing,
I realized I was not going to find the answer in modern medicine.
First, I found myself in the word of Herbal Medicines, which calmed my mind and brought me back to a truly functional lifestyle. Still, something inside of me was very wrong,
the pain was dwelling in a hollow part of my soul.
I wanted more,
I didn't want to just exist, I wanted to be alive.
I found myself at a Holistic Health Expo, and I really mean I found myself. There were tables and booths for what seemed like miles and I wasn't sure where to start, I just knew that I was looking for something. First I tried Acupuncture, I had heard of it before and knew it was widely accepted as a viable form of treatment for many different physical and mental ailments. I got up from the table feeling unchanged, it was not what I was looking for. Then, I tried Reflexology, it looked relaxing at least. It relieved the chronic joint pain I had in my hip which was aggravated from driving so far and walking around half the day. I was impressed and thought,
"At least something good came from this trip."
Day two of the expo, I was so intrigued by everything I am learning this weekend that I wasn't even thinking about the hole in my soul. Aura Mapping, Binaural Beats, Iridology... it was all so fascinating! But, now my hip was hurting again so I made my way to yet another therapy booth, this one was Reiki. There was a brochure about chakras and blockages, I briefly skimmed over it before filling out the chart, stating my hip pain.
During the scan, I had this overwhelming feeling that this practitioner somehow suddenly knew me, as if I had just told her my life story, even though "I have chronic hip pain." was pretty much the only thing I had said to her. Half way through my session I started to cry, I didn't understand why I was crying, my hip didn't hurt that bad! I was embarrassed by my crying, which was all I could think about the rest of the session. When it was over and I sat up, I felt different, as if I had suddenly lost 20 pounds, but the weight wasn't physical, it was the bearing on my soul that was suddenly gone.
I went home still being unsure of exactly what happened to me that day. I started researching Reiki, which lead to studying, which lead to practicing, which lead me to here, sharing the knowledge of this amazing Holistic Health practice with you.
"For healing to occur there must be a shift of consciousness, an exchange of energy."- Dr. Mikao Usui
Available Courses
Learn Reiki Levels 1, 2 and Master Level to become a
Certified Traditional Usui Reiki Practitioner/Instructor.

I am making Reiki Certification more accessible by offering certification at a fraction of the average online course cost of $200.00!
I have spent over 100 hours gathering free resources to combine into lesson plans. Knowledge is a gift, and should not have to be paid for! The small fee you pay allows me to dedicate time to performing your attunements, grading your review quizzes, and being available to answer your questions. You can pay for each level separately, work at your own pace and pay as you can. This is an online course, delivered in PDF through email, all of our correspondences will also take place through email. Interactive lessons may be available in the future.